
Why are number plates so popular?

Historically most of our customers have bought a registration number because they want improve the overall look of the vehicle, to give their vehicle the ultimate individual touch. Increasingly however, a personalised registration number is bought for many more reasons:

It may be a bit of fun, something to make the owner smile before every journey - an important thought.

Strategic Purchase
It may be rather than buying a depreciating car every 2 years they would rather assign a number plate to hide the age of the vehicle and change cars less often to strategically save money on new cars.

Classic or Reproduction Cars
It may be to assign a "period" registration to a classic vehicle that has lost it's original number. Indeed as classic car prices are rising beyond the reach of many buyers, quality reproduction cars with a dateless or period suffix number plate can look virtually identical to the original.

Advertising and Promotion of Business
It may be to promote a business, a company vehicle with a private number plate is a great form advertising and promotion, it also shows the owner to care about the business as well as showing strength and success.

Certainly we have noticed increasingly educated buyers have followed the market and noted year on year record prices smashed. Many buyers now ask us to manage a portfolio of numbers for them, we purchase and sell their registration numbers at a profit, often without them ever assigning to their cars.

We "practice what we preach", BOLD Registrations continually re-invest in quality stock, we buy some of the most expensive numbers in the UK for ourselves as well as our customers, we are passionate about quality and truly believe number plates can be a sound financial investment.

Where do number plates come from?

We supply registrations from three main sources:
Registrations owned by clients - Commission sales.
Government stock - we are a recognised DVLA reseller.
Bold Registrations stock - our own registrations, specialising in high quality dateless registrations.

What are the extra fees on top the purchase price?

All registrations are subject to a DVLA £80 transfer fee.
If the source of the registration is VAT registered for example, Bold Registrations Ltd, then VAT has to be added to the purchase price. If the source of the registration is a private individual who is not VAT registered, then VAT is not added to the purchase price, Bold Registrations will broker the deal without charging VAT.

What is a V778 Retention Certificate or a V750 Certificate of Entitlement?

A number plate or personalised registration number can be held on either of the above certificates if the owner does not wish to immediately assign the registration to a vehicle. In 2010 we famously sold a number plate to a 5 minute old baby boy (his father paid for it). Bold Registrations had lined up the perfect Girl's name and the perfect Boy's name. As soon as the father knew it was a boy we were the first people he called! That registration was supplied on certificate and will be kept until the boy's 17th birthday when we can assign it for him.

What does it cost to retain a registration or have a number plate supplied on Retention?

The current DVLA charge is £80, therefore it costs no more or less to have a registration supplied on a certificate. However, if the registration is already on a certificate in a 3rd parties name we prefer to assign it to the purchaser's vehicle. If the purchaser then wishes to retain the registration in their name they are free to do so, we can help with this.

Data Protection - do you pass customer data to anyone else?

Bold Registrations will never pass your details to a 3rd party.
Bold Registrations are PCI DSS compliant meaning our systems are secure.
Bold Registrations use HTTPS for added internet security.
We only use necessary data to enable us to buy, sell and broker personalised registration numbers.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Does my vehicle have to meet any requirements to receive a personalised number plate?

Yes, the vehicle must be:
Registered or about to be registered in the UK (excluding the Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
Taxed or being taxed at the time of the application
A type that has to have an MOT or Goods Vehicle Test (GVT) certificate.

Can I put any number plate on any vehicle?

The general rule is you cannot make a vehicle look newer than it actually is.
Therefore only prefix, suffix and current style numbers are age related and are subject to age restrictions.
The different types on registration are listed below:
Current style
This is the type that has been issued to new vehicles since September 2001. It consists of two letters, followed by two numbers that help identify the age of the vehicle, and three letters at the end. For example:

If the recipient vehicle is AB51 ABC it cannot receive AB52 ABC
This is the type that was issued to new vehicles between August 1983 and August 2001. It consists of one letter that helps identify the age of the vehicle, followed by one, two or three numbers, and three letters at the end. For example:

If the recipient vehicle is A123 ABC it cannot receive B123 ABC
This is the type that was issued to new vehicles between February 1963 and July 1983. It consists of three letters, followed by one, two or three numbers, and a single letter at the end that helps identify the age of the vehicle. For example:

If the recipient vehicle is ABC 123A it cannot receive ABC 123B
This is the type that was issued to new vehicles prior to February 1963. It can consist of up to four numbers followed by up to three letters, or vice versa. The maximum number of characters is six. Examples include:

Dateless registrations are not subject to any age related rules.

Can I put Irish registrations on my GB vehicle?

Only Northern Ireland registrations will transfer to a GB vehicle
Northern Ireland registrations consist of three letters followed by up to four numbers.
The maximum number of characters is seven. All NI registrations contain at least one of the letters I or Z and there is no age identifier within these registrations. For example:

Only vehicles that are registered in GB and NI can participate in the Personalised Registrations scheme. Therefore vehicles registered in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man cannot be receive a personalised number plate.

Who can supply the actual acrylic number plates?

Any Registered Number Plate Supplier (RNPS) can supply the physical number plates.
Bold Registrations is a Registered Number Plate Supplier and can supply legal number plates.
We only supply number plates to customers who have purchased registrations from us, where the required legal documents have been provided. We require Proof of identity e.g. Driving Licence and Proof of entitlement e.g. V5C. We are legally required to keep this information for inspection for 3 years. Alternatively, once we have assigned the registration mark an eV948 or a V948 number plate authorisation certificate is provided by the DVLA. Number plates can then be made by any RNPS if relevant documents are provided.
We cannot and will not supply number plates that do not conform to the DVLA rules.